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St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Religious Education is never simply one subject among many, but the foundation of the entire educational process.

(RED 2023)


In St. Anthony’s, school based Religious Education will consist of a comprehensive and systematic study of God, of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, of His Church, the central beliefs that Catholics hold and the basis for them. It will involve consideration of the impact of these on the way of life of those who believe.

Effective Catholic Religious Education should promote a free, informed and full response of God’s call. It must seek to develop positive attitudes towards people of other Christian denominations, other Faiths and their beliefs and practices. As a school where we all strive to be our best, we believe that all learning should be adapted to the needs of all children (SEN, EAL, more able, disadvantaged) and that the curriculum should be carefully planned to take account of everyone in the class so that we can all ‘Do something beautiful for God, each and every day’.

The objectives of curriculum Religious Education in St. Anthony’s are;

To develop a growing awareness of the revelation of God as given through the Scriptures and Church teachings;
To develop knowledge and understanding of the central beliefs which Catholics hold;
To offer an experience of the ways in which these mysteries are celebrated in liturgy and prayer;
To develop and understanding of relationships with the person of Jesus;
To offer a deeper understanding of who and what we are and how we are invited to be like Jesus;
To understand what it means to be ‘church’ to the people of God;
To develop an awareness and appreciation of the Faith and an understanding of its impact on personal and social behaviour and the individual challenge implied by this awareness;
To encourage study, investigation and reflection by the pupils;
To develop appropriate skills; for example, ability to listen, to think critically. Spiritually, ethically and theologically; to acquire knowledge and organise it effectively; to make informed judgements
To foster appropriate attitudes; for example, respect for the truth, respect for the views of others; awareness of the spiritual, or moral responsibility of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life and especially the challenge of living in a multicultural, multi-faith society;
To be respectful of how children and young people learn;
To respect the experience and integrity of each child on their own journey of faith
To encourage reflection and evaluation by pupils and staff. (Guidance on skills and attitudes in religious education is found in ‘Broad Areas of Attainment in Religious Education’, National Board of Religious Inspectors and Advisors, 1994.)


Since the total curriculum in our school is based on the values of the Gospel and because we see all education as revealing the mystery of God, we recognise two aspects of

Religious Education in the school:-

Implicit, or unstructured Religious Education – those opportunities which arise in the course of a school day to lead pupils through curriculum content or through
relationships to a religious understanding of their implications. It is the policy of this school to use such opportunities as they arise.

Explicit, or Curriculum Religious Education – those time tabled or planned periods of time given to an explicit consideration of Religious Education in the classroom. It is the policy of this school to give 10% of the timetable at both Key stages.
To fulfil our aims and Objectives we use the Way, Truth and the Life programme to adhere to the Curriculum Directory, as prescribed by the Diocese. We use the Planning sheets provided by the Diocese of Leeds.


Children will be assessed half termly throughout the year through formal assessment. A portfolio of assessed pieces is kept by the RE Coordinators. Assessment data is recorded on the school assessment system. We assess children’s work in religious education by making informal judgements as we observe them during lessons. We mark a piece of work once it has been completed and we comment as necessary. On completion of a half termly unit of work, children complete a formal assessment which is levelled. The RE subject leaders keep samples of children’s work in a portfolio. This demonstrates what the expected level of achievement is in RE in each year of the school. RE assessments are moderated both within school and within our Trust RE Leaders group. Assessment data is recorded on the school assessment system.

Please click here to see how skills and knowledge are planned for in RE.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


God’s World

God’s Family

Getting to know Jesus

Joy and Sorrow

New Life

The Church

Year 1

God’s Great Plan

Mary, Mother of God

Families and Celebrations

Following Jesus

The Resurrection


Year 2

The Chosen People


The Good News

The Mass


The Birth of the Church


Year 3

The Christian Family

Mary, Our Mother

Called to change (Reconciliation)

Jesus, the Teacher

(Lent & Holy Week)

Celebrating Easter &  Pentecost


Being a Christian


Year 4


The Bible

Trust in God

Celebrating the Mass

Jesus, the Saviour

(Lent & Holy Week)

The Mission of the Church

Belonging to the Church


Year 5


Gifts from God  (Creation)


Inspirational People


Life in the Risen Jesus

The Work of the Apostles


Year 6

Called to Serve



Jesus, the Bread of Life / Exploring the Mass

Jesus, Son of God / Jesus the Messiah

The Kingdom of God

Faith in Action



 Please click here to see how the progression of vocabulary is planned for in RE.

 Please click here to see an example of a Medium Term Plan for a unit in RE.

Other Faiths

Each term, the children are taught about a different world religion.

Below is our timetable and plan we follow:

other faiths whole school plan new.pdf