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St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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School Local Offer/ SEND Report


 School SENCO: Mr A Crowther

1. Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child’s difficulties with learning or Special Educational Needs or disability (SEND)?

The SENCO is responsible for:

  • Coordinating all the support for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and developing the school’s SEND Policy and provision mapping to make sure all children get a consistent, high quality response to meeting their needs in school.
  • Ensuring that you are:
    • involved in supporting your child’s learning
    • kept informed about the support your child is getting
    • involved in reviewing how they are doing.
  • Liaising with all the other people who may be coming into school to help support your child’s learning e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology.
  • Updating the school’s SEND register (a system for ensuring all the SEND needs of pupils in this school are known) and making sure that there are excellent records of your child’s progress and needs.
  • Providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school so they can help children with SEND in the school achieve the best progress possible.

Class/subject teacher is responsible for:

  • Quality First Teaching.
  • Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need (this could be things like targeted work, additional support) and letting the SENCO know as necessary.
  • Writing Individual Education Plans (IEP) where required, and sharing and reviewing these with parents at least once each term and planning for the next term.
  • Ensuring that all staff working with your child in school are helped to deliver the planned provision for your child, so they can achieve the best possible progress – this may involve the use of additional adults, outside specialist help and specially planned work and resources.
  • Ensuring that the school’s SEND Policy is followed in their classroom and for all the pupils they teach with any SEND.

Headteacher is responsible for:

  • The day to day management of all aspects of the school – this includes the support for children with SEND.
  • The head will give responsibility to the SENCO and class teachers but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
  • The head must make sure that the Governing Body is kept up to date about any issues in the school relating to SEND.

SEN Governor is responsible for:

  • Making sure that the necessary support is made for any child who attends the school who has SEND.

Parents are responsible for: 

  • speaking to the child’s class teacher if there are concerns.


2. How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child’s learning?

If your child is identified as not making expected progress or has additional needs the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail and to:

  • Share initial concerns between school and home
  • Arrange additional support or interventions your child may need
  • Monitor progress and share assessment review
  • Discuss any further referrals to other professionals if necessary.

3. How is extra support allocated to children?

  • The school budget, received from Bradford LA, includes money for supporting children with SEND.
  • The Head Teacher decides on the budget for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in consultation with the school governors on the basis of needs in the school.
  • The Head Teacher and the SENCO discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school, including:
    • the children getting extra support already
    • the children needing extra support
    • the children who have been identified as not making as much progress as would be expected
    • deciding what resources/training and support are needed.
  • All resources/training and support are reviewed regularly and changes made as needed.

4. What are the 'ranges of need' for pupils with SEND?

Bradford Council have identified 7 ‘Ranges of Need’ for pupils with SEND. Within a mainstream school it is expected that provision will be made for pupils within Ranges 1-3 (and 4 dependent on the individual child). If a child has a Statement of Special Educational Need or an Education, Health and Care Plan in which our school is named, then we provide the support detailed in the plan.

For further information about the Ranges at St. Anthony’s school for each area of need please click on the links below: 

o    Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)

o    Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

o    Moderate Learning Needs (MLN)

o    Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD)

o    Behavioural, Social and Emotional Needs (BSEN)

o    Hearing Impairment (HI)

o    Visual Impairment (VI)

o    Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI)

o    Physical Difficulties (PD)

For further details about each Range please refer to Bradford Council’s Summary of Provision document or the Bradford Council’s Guidance by Primary Need documents.


5. What support do we have for you as a parent of child with SEND?

  • The class teacher is regularly available to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have and to share information about what is working well at home and school so similar strategies can be used.
  • The SENCO is available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you may have.
  • All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in a report.
  • IEPs will be reviewed with your involvement each term as appropriate.
  • Homework will be adjusted as needed to your child’s individual needs.
  • A home/school diary may be used to support communication with you, when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.
  • The school’s Parental Involvement Worker and Catholic Care Worker are available on certain days.

6. What are the different types of support available for children with SEND?

Your child will receive:

  • Class teacher input via excellent targeted classroom teaching also known as Quality First Teaching.

Your child may receive:

  • Specific group work with in a smaller group of children.
  • Specific targeted work on an individual basis as part of a small group
  • Specialist individual support or groups run by outside agencies e.g. Speech and Language therapy OR Occupational therapy groups
  • Specified Individual support.

For more detail on provision offered please refer to question 4.


7. Who are the other people providing services to children with a Special Educational Need or Disability in this school?

  • Autism Spectrum Team
  • School Nursing Team
  • Cognition and Learning Service
  • Educational Psychology Team
  • Catholic Care
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • PALZ+ (Play And Learn Zone)
  • Health Services as appropriate
  • SEN Early Intervention Team
  • Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties Team
  • Lidget Green Children's centre.

8. How does school involve my child in their education?

As well as involving your child in an appropriate way in the target-setting process that happens across school so that they know their targets and what they need to achieve them, we will involve your child in other ways.

This will include being involved in the SEN review process.  This involvement will be different for different children but may include contributing to their annual review (if appropriate) and other reviews so that their viewpoint is heard, saying whether or not they think they have reached their target or saying what school could do to help them even more.

Our school takes the views of all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, seriously.


9. How will the school support my child as they move between phases of education?

We run transition programmes to include:

  • Visits by new pupils to new classes and new schools;

  • Production of transition information for pupils and parents;

  • Home visits for identified children;

  • Meetings with parents to inform about different school procedures through-out school;

  • Daily dialogue with staff so parents are fully informed;

  • Transition meetings between members of staff in current class and those in receiving class;

  • Meetings between appropriate staff at primary and secondary schools to ensure smooth transition;

  • Additional transition days, particularly for identified pupils moving to secondary school.

 10. How will school ensure the correct level of expertise and training of staff to support children and young people with SEND?


The SENCO will attend regular SEN network and cluster meetings to update and revise latest developments.

In order to meet the school’s long term goals, training and development of expertise will be reflected in the School Improvement Plan.

The SENCO will regularly audit the expertise within school and use this to inform their training and support training schedule in order to meet the needs of all pupils.

All staff have access to appropriate and challenging Professional Development which is provided through:

  • sharing of expertise within the school staff team;

  • Partnership expertise;

  • Local Authority services.

The Local Authority support services include:

  • Educational Psychologists;

  • Cognition and Learning Team;

  • Autism Support Team – HUB drop-in meetings;

  • Visual Impairment Team;

  • Support for Deaf Children’s Services;

  • Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties Team;

  • Physical Disabilities Team;

  • Early Intervention Team;

  • Portage Team.

The SENCO can liaise with:

  • School Nursing Team;

  • Social Services;

  • Education Social Welfare Services;

  • Community Paediatricians ;

  • Physiotherapy Team;

  • Speech and Language Therapy;

  • Occupational Health;

  • New Communities and Travellers Services.


 11. Where can I get further information about services for SEND pupils in Bradford?

 To explore Bradford Local Authority's own Local Offer website visit  - https://localoffer.bradford.gov.uk/

It will explain in greater detail all the services and offers there are available across the authority for pupils, parents and carers.


 12. Admissions for children with SEND

If a child has a statement of Special Educational Needs, admission to the school is at the discretion of the Governing Body. Further details can be obtained from the Headteacher or SENCO.

send information report 2024.pdf