Welcome to Reception
week beg 6 1 25 home learning grid snow.pdf
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas time and enjoyed spending some time together as a family. We are looking forward to finally welcoming you all back to school. This half term we will be exploring fairytales and traditional tales. Our topic is - Who lives in the deep dark woods? We will be developing our writing and imagination skills using ' Drawing Club' We will also continue to develop our phonic knowledge and will be working on phase 2 'floppy's phonics.' During our maths sessions will continue to explore composition of numbers and begin measuring mass, size and time.
PE days are Fridays - please ensure PE kits are in school at all times. Please ensure reading books are brought to school daily. Library day is a Friday, books cannot be changed until they are returned. Please do come see us if you have any questions, problems or queries. Mrs Partridge and the Reception team.
Spring 1 Newsletter
rec spring 1 newsletter 24 25.pdf
Reception end of year expectations -EYFSP
A video to help you support children in holding their pencil correctly.