Welcome to Year 1
Please see activities in the document below to complete with your child in the event of school closure. Please work at your own pace and don't feel pressured to complete them all. They can be continued if further days off are required.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Moran & Mrs Holdsworth
year 1 home learning spring one grid 3.pdf
year 1 home learning spring one grid 2.pdf
Year 1
Hello Year 1,
Welcome to our class page.
We have exciting topics to learn about this year! We can't wait to welcome you all back.
The children will have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure they have their full kit in school and that each item is clearly labelled. They will then be left in school until the end of each half term. Then they will be sent home to get cleaned over the holiday. Please remember to return them the first week back.
Homework - The children will to get weekly Phonics homework, reading books, spellings and Maths homework. Please support your child in listening to your child read, completing their phonics book and returning them on the correct days. These will be communicated in your child's books.
Water bottles - Children can bring a drink to school every day but please only put water in their bottles. No juice.
Let us know about any allergies your child may have.
Please contact us if you have any questions or queries.
With love from,
Mrs Holdsworth , Mrs Moran and Mrs Ellis xxx
Please find our Curriculum Notice Board for this half term below:
Please see below Year One's Annual Plan
Phonics sound mats
fp soundsmat level1plus
download_for_offlinefp soundsmat level1plus
- fp soundsmat level2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinefp soundsmat level2
- fp soundsmat level3 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinefp soundsmat level3
- fp soundsmat level4 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinefp soundsmat level4
- fp soundsmat level5 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinefp soundsmat level5
floppy s phonics mini alphabetic code chart.pdf
Here are Year One's list of Common Exception Words and High Frequency Words that we need to learn to read and write.
Hooray for the book of the day
website summer term 1 books.pdf
website spring term 1 books.pdf
These are our top books for Year 1. How many will you read?
Curriculum Information
- fp soundsmat level2 download_for_offline