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St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Year 3,

Hello and Welcome to Year 3's class page!

PE This will take place on Monday's and Thursday's

Please ensure your child has the appropriate PE kit for both indoor and outdoor activities as we will be trying to go outside wherever possible. Please ensure your child's kit has their name in every item as well as on their bags and pumps. 

Homework Each week there will be English, Maths and Spelling homework - these will be sent out on a Friday and expected to be returned the following Wednesday

Times Tables Rockstars Logins for timetable rock stars will be sent out. The times tables the children will be learning this year are 3's , 4's and 6's. We will be recapping 2's, 5's and 10's. Please encourage your child to interact with this at home to help them build their times table knowledge ready for Year 4.

Reading Books Every child has a different day for their reading books to be sent out and returned. Reading should happen daily and be recorded in the reading journals, please ensure these are signed and returned to school on the appropriate day.

Children should bring a water bottle to school daily and can also bring a healthy snack for breaktime.

Thank you for your continued support, if you have any problems or concerns please let me know!

Miss Pearson and Mrs Cooper

Year 3 - Spring 2 Newsletter


spring 2 newsletter.pdf





Year 3's annual plan.

year 3 annual plan 24 25 pdf.pdf



The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Dr Seuss

Have a go at reading as many of our recommended reads as possible this year!
