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St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Year 6

Ambassadors - Prefects - Buddies - Role Models 


Dear Year 6 parents and carers, 

 SAT tests are all done and you will receive your child's results in their end of year reports. I am very proud of how hard they worked and how well they did in assessment week. 

For this final term at school, we have lots planned. The children are starting to practise for their end of year performances. They have lines to learn and songs to practise! We look forward to welcoming you into school to wow you with their brilliance. 

There is a lot of Transition activities coming up. Please find the details for St Bede's and St Joseph's Multi- Sports Summer School here. They are looking forward to our children attending.  They have also slightly changed the structure of their days and you can see a sample timetable here

Whilst we will continue to work hard, there will also be time for lots of fun and I know the children are looking forward to their residential trip,  rounders matches, sports day and some surprises along the way.

See our newsletter below for more information. 

Thank you again for your continued support.  

Miss Allen, Mr Kendall and Mrs Walton


Reading Books

Home reading books have been given to all children. They must be in school everyday and the children change them once a week on a given day. Please make sure reading records, now part of their diary,  are signed and returned to school each week (on your child's day).   It is vital to ready daily with your child and discuss their books with them in order to ensure they continue to develop their inference and understanding. 


Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure PE kits are in school and are labelled with your child's name. Even in year 6 they get misplaced!  PE kit and footwear should be in school at all times.  This term we will be outside weather dependent.  Please make sure your child has  pumps in the correct size, shorts and a white T-shirt as well as their trainers and joggers. 


Indoor kit: white t-shirt, navy shorts, socks and black pumps.

Outdoor kit: a plain navy tracksuit, white t-shirt, socks and trainers.

Please also ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day. It is cold outside still but it gets warm in the classroom.  One with a sports lid is preferable to minimize the damage caused by spillages. 


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact the office or speak to us before or after school. 

The Year 6 Team 


Please find our class newsletter for this half term below:

year 6 summer 2 newsletters 2024.pdf

Please find out annual plan 2023 -24 below: 


Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.

Margaret Fuller

How many of our recommended reads have you enjoyed?

y6 recommended reads.pdf


Please find below links to website and further learning that maybe useful to use at home.